The KaiStore is a digital library of applications (apps) that you can install directly to your phone. These applications are tools that can be used to do many different things, like chat with friends, solve math problems, share pictures, watch video, learn new things, and more. For example, WhatsApp is a popular application that you can use to instantly connect with people all over the world.

You’ll find some applications are already available on your phone, such as:
KaiWeather: Provides up-to-date global weather information.
To-Do: Keep track of all of the things you need to do.
In addition to our pre-installed apps, the KaiStore provides several other options – from games to utilities to make your life easier and to keep you entertained.
The KaiStore is maintained by KaiOS, and once a new app is released, you can install it immediately. To learn more about the applications currently available in the KaiStore, please visit: https://www.kaiostech.com/meet-the-apps-available-on-kaios/
How do you get free content on KaiOS?
Many of our free apps display advertisements, which enables us to offer them free of charge to you.Try It: Create a Kai account. If you have trouble, feel free to review this section.